Eighty-Six (Anansi Boys by Neil Gaiman)

Posted on 19 May 11


86- Anansi Boys by Neil Gaiman

Likes: So, I really liked Neverwhere, but then I saw part of Coraline over someone’s shoulder on a plane, and it freaked me out so intensely that I haven’t touched Neil Gaiman since. But this was great! List time!

Magically expanding rooms. Amicable (mostly) break-ups. Karaoke (which totally makes sense as a superpower, no?). I love poor Fat Charlie, and [SPOILER] mermaids, and myths that have happily-ever-afters. I kept hearing the Anansi stories the way my grandmother used to tell them, and they made me laugh.

And I also like Anne, who so generously lent this to me months ago, and has been polite enough not to ask for it back until after exams were over, and who has fifteen bazillion wonderful blogs– some of which can be found here, here, and here.

Dislikes: Overly-evocative descriptions of embarrassing parents– clearly, that’s personal. I wanted more with the four old ladies (WordPress spell check just informed me that “ladies” is “Bias Language”– true story, but if I called any of my aunts anything but ladies, I’d get a slipper thrown at me, or pinched. Probably something worse). And I know that this added to the likable West Indian-ness of the book, but seriously, if I heard one more mention of freaking jerk chicken, I was going to drown in my own salivation (which– I looked up– is a real word). I don’t even have especially strong feelings towards jerk chicken!

Tastebuds. Stop it.

Posted in: "Fiction", Fantasy